H.O.G.'s FOR A CAUSE: Southern Utah Harley Owners Group Donates to Memory Matters
Larry Hayes, Director; Gladys Commes, Asst. Director and Cheri Hayes (not pictured) of the Southern Utah Harley Owners Group (S.U.H.O.G.) presented LuAnn Lundquist, Founder and Executive Director of Memory Matters Utah/Nevada, with a check for $1000. from the inaugural Memory Ride held on June 10, 2017. The check was presented during Memory Matters’ weekly Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregiver Support Group meeting.
The proceeds from the Memory Ride, BBQ and Bike Wash will help fund local Memory Matters’ programs that include: Information and Referral Services, Support Groups, Care Consultations, Memory Testing Consultations, Outreach and Education Events, Early Stage Memory Loss Classes, Memory Activity Classes and “Good Morning Sunshine” Wellness Calling Program.
The Southern Utah Harley Owners Group (S.U.H.O.G) is a local nonprofit organization whose mission is to: Ride and Have Fun. You will find S.U.H.O.G. members riding most Saturdays and participating in events that raise both funds and awareness for local charities. Larry Hayes said, “. . . the Memory Ride was a great first-time event. We are excited to do it again next year and make it even bigger!”
For more information about the Southern Utah Harley Owners Group (S.U.H.O.G) visit their facebook page at: southern utah hog #8233.